5 Things You MUST Do in Cambodia

Cambodia gap year

South East Asia is a land of diversity, and while all of the countries in the region might share some key characteristics, such as rich histories, delicious food and idyllic beaches, the differences are strong and fascinating, making it the world’s most famous and well travelled backpacker haven.

Cambodia shines brightly as one of the regions most exciting areas to explore. Its citizens have been through, and are still going through, a lot, but this is a country of enormous spirit and resilience, along with some of the biggest characters you could wish to meet.

Cambodia will get under your skin, there’s no doubt about that, and the best thing you can do is buckle up and enjoy the crazy ride.

What are Cambodia’s ‘must do’ experiences? View our list below.

1. See Angkor Wat Temple, Siem Reap

A UNESCO world heritage site and the largest religious monument in the world, Angkor Wat Hindu temple complex in Siem Reap province is one of the most famous sights in Asia and if you’re going to Cambodia it’s essential that you don’t miss it. It’s not often you come across things genuinely inspire feelings of awe and leave you lost for words but the sight of the sun rising over this huge, ancient monument will provide exactly that.

2. Siem Reap

Siem Reap is a popular resort town in northwestern Cambodia, and one of the favourite destinations with travellers. This town although more touristy than a few years ago, is still very relaxed and also the gateway to the magnificent Angkor Temples. Be sure to check out ‘Pub Street’ – a lively street with shops, bars, cafes and restaurants.

3. Volunteer

Spend some time volunteering in one of the many impoverished areas of Cambodia as you make a real difference by teaching English to children in one of the slum areas on the outskirts of Siem Reap. It’s a great opportunity to immerse yourself in a Cambodian community and help to provide assistance in improving life for some of the poorest people in what is generally a very poor part of South East Asia.
If you’re looking for a travel experience that will stay with you for years to come, then this is it.

4. Soak Up the Beach Vibes in Sihanoukville

Although the islands in Thailand are some of the most famous beaches in the region, Cambodia also have a stunning coast. Indulge in some serious beach time in Sihanoukeville, a relaxed beach resort on Cambodia’s south coast that comes alive at night with groups of fluorescent paint covered travellers supping from buckets and dancing the night away. During the day time, it’s Cambodia’s best place to top up your tan with a loooooong golden sandy beach and a chain of small beach bars selling refreshments and playing suitably chilled tunes. Making Sihanoukeville the perfect Yin and Yang of beachside living.

5. Visit the Super Impressive Royal Palace, Phnom Penh

The huge grounds of the Royal Palace are filled with blingy buildings, a world away from what you will see through out the rest of Cambodia. While the King’s living area might be closed to the public, there’s still plenty to explore. It’s the most impressive sight in the nation’s capital Phnom Penh. Spend the afternoon wandering around the grounds it’s unlikely you’ll see anything quite like this again.

Start planning a gap year to Cambodia today.

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