10 Simple Ways You Can Change the World

Gap year travel insurance

What do you want to do? Eat more greens? Start a blog? Take a gap year? Well, we think ‘change the world’ could totally be added to your list of goals this year.

Each of us has the power to make small positive choices every day. For real. While it may seem like our actions as one person won’t do much, you can actually be part of a BIG impact. You have a voice and the ability to make decisions, right? YEAH. So yep, you can absolutely help make this world of ours a better place.

Here’s our list of 10 easy things you can do this year to change the world.

1. Know you matter

We’ve all been there – feeling down on yourself sucks. But here’s a reminder we all need to hear from time to time: you’re awesome and totally got this (as in, whatever you put your mind to). Love yourself first and foremost, then use that epic ambition and confidence of yours to do awesome stuff and inspire others.

2. Stay in the loop

Know what’s going on in the world around you, or stay ‘woke’. You can download credible news apps like BBC and CNN News (and even get notifications to your phone like a text), subscribe to publications, read articles and listen to podcasts to form your own opinions on issues. Question everything. EVERYTHING! (The media bias struggle is real). Time to get your sleuthing on.

3. Support brands that do good

There are a ton of cool, affordable environmentally and socially conscious brands out there. Literally. By supporting these businesses that are doing good, you do good too. Total win, win.

4. Ride your bike

Or walk, skateboard, roller skate, scooter – whatever! Less time spent in a car means less carbon emitted and more happy trees. So get to work or school the environmentally way (that’s also the funner way let’s be honest).

5. Find a cause, get involved

What makes you tick? There are a number of causes out there to get behind – from cancer or disease research, women’s rights, racial equality, animal welfare and climate change. Find something (or a few things) you’re passionate about, and get involved in your community whether you spread awareness through social media, join in conversations, fundraise/donate or attend events. You could also apply to volunteer abroad helping good causes.

6. Treat others how you’d like to be treated

Mom said it best. Before you act, think: would I want this to happen to me? If the answer is no, time to re-evaluate. If we treated others with the respect we want for ourselves, that’s a step in the right direction for sure.

7. Don’t sweat the small stuff

It’s easy to get caught up in the classic ‘this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me’ moments (i.e. losing your phone, getting in a fight with a friend, etc.). But remember that in the grand scheme of your life, these moments are just a blip. So get your freak-out out of your system, take a breath and know you are fully capable of moving on and focusing on the more important stuff. After all, there’s a lot going on elsewhere that we take for granted.

8. Reduce, reuse, recycle

Ok, ok, we’re sure you’ve heard those 3 words over and over. But actually doing them has a big impact – even just by one more person. And it’s super easy too for reals. You can buy products with less packaging, use reusable bags when you shop, bring your coffee mug to your local café and make the effort to separate your trash and recycling to start. Easy right?

9. Speak up (the right way)

Don’t be afraid to voice your opinions. Just make sure you’re mindful of the other person too. You may not agree with what they’re saying, but having that context and doing your research before can help you understand their side and support your argument. Another way awesome way speak up? Straight to your local politician.

10. Do one nice thing for someone everyday

There’s a good chance you already do this one. Maybe you held the door for someone today, or let a desperate driver into your lane or gave the barista a nice tip (go you!). Doing nice little things for someone else can not only make their day, but can pay it forward to someone else.

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