Top 5 Tips to Surviving a Full Moon Party

Girls Full Moon Party

Earlier this year I set out my 6-month round the world trip. My first stop was typical for a first-time backpacker; Thailand.

I’m not ashamed to say that on my second day in Bangkok on my own, I bottled it and joined the tour group, Thaintro. Joining the group definitely gave me a lot of confidence and I met some great friends, one of whom I intend to travel with in 2012. But I diverse.

The end of the 3-week tour climaxed on the beautiful Thai island of Koh Phangan which coincided nicely with the May Full Moon Party; infamous for drunken debauchery, fire skipping and luminous body-painting, and they’re just the good points!

A time and a place where everyone is brought together with the intent of partying hard, people still however get hurt, lost or worse.

So here are my five top tips to surviving a Full Moon Party.

1. Drink, drink, drink

No, not alcohol, water. Staying hydrated is the first law of surviving any party, especially when you’re on a hot, tropical island. Staying hydrated pre-, during and post-FMP is one of the best measures you can take to avoid passing out, with the exception of not drinking too heavily, of course.

2. Wear shoes

It’s simple. Under no circumstances head to the FMP beach without wearing shoes. Not only is the sand later going to be coated with a revolting layer of vomit, urine and drunken bodies, but throughout the night, broken glass gets worked into the sand. If you don’t fancy losing your favourite pair of Havaianas, then buy a cheap pair the day before. Don’t be tempted to take your flip-flops with the intention of collecting the later; it won’t happen. Believe me.

3. Avoid the water

Ever wonder why the sea off the FMP beach is so warm? Yes, that’s right, the coast may as well be sign-posted ‘Men’s toilet’. Not only that, but drinking heavily when completely inebriated is not exactly a good idea. I unfortunately witnessed a unconscious girl being pulled out of the water by two men and although she was OK after receiving medical help, it certainly brought a whole new meaning to ‘surviving’ the FMP.

4. Say no to drugs

I hate to be a spoil-sport, but seriously, avoid, avoid, avoid. I’m not going to lecture anyone about the dangers of taking un-monitored drugs – in a foreign land – when completely drunk – surrounded by water, but do be aware that police have be known to act undercover on the beach. And I don’t expect that Thai jails are all Madonna-singing, bra-swapping, Darcy-rescuing a la Bridget Jones…

5. Leave ‘stuff’ at the hotel

Leave your phones, purses/wallets and make-up at the hotel. With the exception of just enough cash to last the night, don’t bring ANYTHING to the beach. Taking a phone or camera is also an exception, but try to remember you have it on you when you decide to go for that impromptu dip or down the water slide.

Keen to visit the Full Moon Party? Search our Thailand gap year trips.

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