Benefits of Studying Abroad in Summer


A summer study abroad program can be the pinnacle of your college career. And since the benefits of summer study abroad are very similar to those of a semester abroad, you’ll be able to experience the world without having to skip a beat at your home school.

So what are the two main reason to study abroad for the summer?

• It’s a great summer break experience
• You’ll have many incredible stories about your summer abroad program to tell your classmates when you return

Reasons to Study Abroad this Summer

The benefits of summer study abroad are very similar to those of a semester abroad. But instead of spending four months or more away from home, your experience will be truncated to fit in the timeframe of a summer abroad.

A summer abroad program delivers the following benefits and more:

It’s cheaper than a semester abroad
Summer abroad programs are shorter and therefore less expensive than spending an entire semester abroad. If cost is a factor in your decision, consider a summer abroad. And don’t forget study abroad loans can help you get to where you want to go.

Earn additional college credits
A summer abroad program that your home school approves can help you earn college credits. And if you need to make up credits for a previously dropped class or to get ahead for next semester, why not see the world at the same time?

Don’t miss a beat at your home school
A summer abroad program is the perfect solution for those students who are unable to be away from their home schools for a semester due to athletic team commitments or academic scheduling. A summer abroad allows you to experience the joys of study abroad, without a semester-long commitment.

Keep your financial aid
Many students who receive institutional aid from their school will forfeit it if they aren’t enrolled full-time during the school year. A summer abroad program usually allows students to experience study abroad without interfering with their home school enrollment status.

Enhance your resume
A summer abroad delivers many of the same benefits as a semester or longer abroad, including increasing your marketability as an employee and opening up new job opportunities for you abroad.

Is a Summer Abroad Program for You?

Although you can learn a great deal over the course of a summer, sometimes two months isn’t long enough to gain an intimate understanding of a foreign culture and a language. Most likely you will not have the benefit of attending classes with many local students, as they will be on summer break. This will affect the experience you have, as you’ll probably be surrounded by other American students.

Additionally, sometimes summer abroad programs aren’t academically intensive, and your school may not be as apt to accept your credits. Prevent this by getting prior approval in writing.

For more information on options for summer, view our gap year study abroad programs or view language courses.

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