Find cheap flights for your gap year or backpacking adventure. Whether you are a student, graduate or just looking to save money on flight prices view our tips how to get the best deals.
Best Flight Booking Sites

Skyscanner is the most highly rated flight booking websites which is available in 30 languages. A staggering 100 million people use Skyscanner each month due to the ease of searching and buying cheap flights. Whether you want to a single/return flight or a multistop world adventure, you can find flights with all major airlines at low prices.
How to Find Cheap Flights

Gone are the days where you had to walk to your local high street and book an appointment with a travel agent at a company like STA Travel, Trailfinders or Flight Centre. You can now book flights online from anywhere in the world quickly, easily and cheaply.
All major cities now have fairly large International airports, and flights are often the easiest, fastest and cheapest way to navigate the world. Flight comparison websites have also made finding and buying tickets easy, from one way/return fights, to epic long round the world trips with multi city stops.
A gap year or backpacking trip really is a once in a lifetime experience and by saving money on flights you will have more to spend on sightseeing and travelling. If you are currently researching a trip there are so many places you can visit. A month in Thailand volunteering with elephants? A working holiday in Australia? An overland adventure tour in Latin America?
Whatever you choose there are affordable single, return and round the world flights now available to book from London, the UK and other worldwide destinations.