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9 months Asia/Australia budget

Hi so next April I plan on doing 9 months travelling round Asia and Australia, I am going alone and am at the beginning of my planning so still very open for ideas, I am not fancy and dont mind roughing it up I've done a month in Madagascar living in some terrible places ( but its all part of the experience right ? ) I am estimating a budget, can someone please give me your advice cause so many people are telling me different prices.

Thailand (2 months)
Cambodia (1 1/2 months)
laos ( 2 weeks)
Vietnam (1 month)
Hong Kong (1 Week) I have friends there
Phillipines (1 Month)
Malaysia (2 weeks)
Australia ( 6 weeks : 1 week Sydney : 4 weeks ( queensland ( greatbarrierreef) 1 week melbourne
Fiji 1 week

How much do you think il need, i was hoping £10,000 including flights will be enough ( ive been researching flights)

but any tips on how long i should stay per place etc, or better routes.

thank you in advance 🙂

It's hard to say about the money. You should ask the question after you've figured out what the airfare would be, so people on the forum only need to consider the land costs. My guess is you have enough money for SE Asia, so long as you stick to budget travel, but you probably will need a bit more money for Australia.

You really should include Indonesia too, for 3 weeks to a month, if you have this much time. It costs about the same as mainland SE Asia, and has some of the most amazing sights in the world. Culturally it's very interesting, and the scenery is far better than Thailand/Cambodia/Laos etc. And it's very easy to stop in Indonesia if flying to Australia. You'd start in Jakarta, and finish in Bali, or vice versa.

On the other hand, you certainly don't need 2 months for Thailand or 1+ 1/2 months for Cambodia. Cambodia for most people would be 3 weeks. Laos deserves more than 2 weeks, because you want to visit the south and the north part both.

Generally speaking for SE Asia on a budget maybe £1000 per month will be enough, of course depending on travel habits. If you did spend 1300 a month over your 7 months in Asia that would come to 9000 which would leave 3000 for your flights, Oz and Fiji. 5 weeks in Oz could certainly set you back most of that again of course depending on your travel habits. agree with mstep about maybe cutting time off Thailland, Cambodia & Phillipines and adding Indonesia.

Also 1.5 months is a lot for Cambodia...I'd consider taking a week off that and add it to Laos.