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Are GVI a scam company?

Hi All,

I'm 33 and from the UK and considering a career change. I currently work in an office and am at the stage where I just dread the daily grind and have done for some while now... Although I have a nice flat, and a car I don't really have anything holding me back...

I've been interested in wildlife conservation for some time and I'm considering something long term, and I'm looking to see if anyone has any recommendations?

I have seen an internship with an org named Global Vision International (GVI) working with Elephants in northern Thailand, but at around £3500 it's a very pricey and this doesn't even include flights. To me £4-5000 for volunteering seems like a con but I was thinking it may provide the experience I need to get a job elsewhere as it appears a little more involved than your regular volunteer placement and may assist my attempt at a career change.

Is GVi a legit company or a way just to profit from people like me as its not cheap. I was wondering if I would actually get anything out of it beneficial for the money? Does anyone have any experience with GVI? I'm not limiting myself to Thailand, but also interested in Africa and SE Asia.

Any good/bad experiences with GVI or any other of the big international volunteer organisations, or any other NGO's? Any thoughts are appreciated...


£3500 whaaaaaat eeeek. I would be very cautious about these voluntourism companies, there are lots of articles online about them I remember one in the Guardian about how unethical it is and how it doesn't benefit locals. If you are passionate about animals and want to go to Thailand maybe contact wildlife sanctuaries I'm sure you can visit or volunteer for free or a small donation?

On our website we work with lots of volunteer organisations around the world but we don't recommend GVI. We used to work with them and promote their trips but last year they stopped paying the commission we are owed. If we can't trust them to pay us as a partner, we don't recommend giving them money as a deposit as they are't reliable or trustworthy. If you are still researching options view our Thailand volunteer programs - lots of amazing opportunities are available to book all year round.

Avoid these rip off agencies and just apply direct to local projects instead which will likely be free/low cost hence saving you a fortune.

If you are still researching options check out our gap year volunteer programs.