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Are ski instructor courses worth the price?

Next summer I'm planning to do Camp America but after that I would like to do a ski season. The only thing that is potentially holding me back is the cost of doing a course, sometimes around £5000-£10,000?! This is such a lot of money, will I get a job and make it back? Can anyone recommend a cheaper company or place to do it? I just don't want to work my @ss off to get the money, do it then regret it.

I think some companies offer a job offer on completion of a course, this is one way to make sure the big investment will get paid back but you will need to check which companies do this.

I thought about doing this a few years ago but the price put me off. Have you thought about going to work a ski season somewhere like France or Canada and then skiing in your spare time?

As a ski instructor you can earn anywhere from £10-£60ish per hour depending on the location. If you have a passion for skiing and living somewhere special for a winter season then this is a dream job and the course is an investment in your future. I do understand though as they are expensive.