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Bugs at Camp

From reading online lots of staff say you get wasted by the bugs over there, is this true??

I quickly lost count of how many mosquito bites I had on me at camp. I'm certain the bugs in the USA LOVE foreign blood!

One one my co-counsellors who was from Scotland, left camp with the worst mosquito bites possible. When he got bit, the bites would enlarge into a big rash.

Stock up on the bug repellant at Walmart - thats my top advice.

Ew and the TICKS!! My camp was well in the forest in the middle of nowhere so suffered with ticks aswell which sucked. Those ticks can be bad, annoying and painful if they set up shop under your skin.

But don't worry too much you don't have to go to America to get ticks... my cat gave me one a couple of months ago ... they are nasty creatures grr.

I literally never got bitten once. I was in Pennsylvania, and I know that a few of the councillors were bitten really really badly, like their legs were really red, but I never got a bite. Guess it depends on the person as well?

A few people I know of swear by bananas, supposedly the potassium makes your blood taste gross? Most caps have bananas too, and they're a sweet way to fill up quickly or for a quick snack.

I came off quite lucky with the mozzies. they seemed to bite me once then decide i wasnt worth it, so i still had pretty good looking legs after camp!

I think I was lucky as our bunkhouses had air conditioning, no mosquito at all, but had some buttles. I couldn't remember that I got any mosquito bites at camp, even when we went camping once a week. Is firefly kind of bug? I did see heaps of fireflies when camping out, but they don't bite you, right?

I think it all depends which camp you go. My one was in Texas, which is very hot and dry in summer. GOOD LUCK!

There were a lot of insects and mosquitos at my camp in Maryland, one summer I had an American co-counsellor and he got lymes disease !! Unlucky, he was the only one he had a huge mark on his leg and wasn't well for a while after.

I got bit four times by a fly in Michigan, and every time it hurt like hell! It had a red-ish colour back, so every time I saw that colour fly, I would always try and whack it with a book - 30% of the time I hit it as they seemed to be a slow fly.

I guess it really depends on the location of your camp in each state. I know someone who went to a camp further up Michigan (my camp was near Detroit, so I was in the southern end of Michigan) and she didn't get attacked by any red flys and hardly any mosquitos.