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Can I do Camp America if I'm not 18?

I'm 17 can I still apply for Camp America?

I think for the visa you need to be 18.

Yes, you need to be 18 by the 1st June, otherwise you won't qualify for a visa.

If you are 16/17 and an American then most camps have LIT and CIT (counsellors in training programmes).

Hi, I am really keen to apply for the camp starting in 2025 however the website says that you have to be 18 by the 1st of June to apply, but I turn 18 on June the 13th. Is there still a possibility that I could enrol? As I would hate to miss out on such a great opportunity.

Contrary to the above post, Camp America can make some exceptions (especially if your birthday is in the first week of June and you have very good high demand counsellor skills). Any application from an underaged applicant is looked at on a case by case basis and CA can't guarantee acceptance or placement at a camp.
The 13th of June however is too late to turn 18. Basically this would severely restrict the number of camps that could employ you, as you could only attend a camp which starts after this date.

Ok thank you for the information. Do you think I should send an application in to be looked at for the camps starting later, or not bother?

There are approx 10,000 camps in the US and Camp America deal with about 1800 that have been vetted and checked. While it may be possible to find a camp willing to hire you (that does deal with Camp America); at such a young age, you also run the risk of them releasing you if they do not have the camper numbers to warrant the staffing levels, which would then make it impossible for Camp America to place you at another camp.

Ok thanks heaps for the information, hopefully waiting a year will make me want to go even more 🙂