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How much money do I need to travel for a year?


I am a Dutch guy who recently graduated and just started a new job. As I am able to save up quite a lot of money at the moment, I feel the urge to start a travelling around the world (I've been looking into for quite some years now, and if I don't do it next year, I probably won't be able do it at all).

My main question is regarding the budget. How much budget do I need to travel for around 12 months of backpacking? I do not have a fixed route in mind yet, but there are some countries that I definitely want to visit. Furthermore, I would like to travel overland as much as possible.

The first country on my list is China. I would like to reach this either through Eastern Europe, Mongolia or through Eastern Europe, Turkey, Iran and Central Asia. From China I would like to go to Australia, either via Japan and Indonesia or either overland (as much as possible) through Southeast Asia. From Down Under I would like to go to either Peru, Colombia, Mexico, the USA or Canada via one of the Pacific Islands (either Hawaii or French Polynesia).The fly back to Europe from East Coast USA/Canada or Brazil or Argentina.

Swapping Asia for Africa seems like a cool idea as well, however, Africa does not really seems to be a place for budget travelling. Especially safaris do cost a lot.

Any information, especially on budget and itinerary, are more than welcome!

Thanks in advance.

1 year travelling, that is a dream!!

I would budget for around 25 Euros per day, but this depends on the accommodation and level of comfort e.g. travelling by bus or flying.