Gap Year Forum

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Is it better to take a gap year alone or with friends?

I think I'm going to take a gap year after uni in 2026, my question is is it best to take a friend with you when travelling, or to by yourself? Because I can see the benefits in both, but am kind of sitting on the fence!

Hey i was exactly in the same boat as you when i was booking my gap year.

It's really a hard one... I was planning on travelling on my own as most of my friends were either at uni or couldnt afford it, whereas i took a gap year and was ready for it!

I had a friend decide to come... think of it this way - do you get along really well, never fight , etc etc

We had always been friends but we clashed quite a bit on the tour, so much that we were room mates but i never spent sightseeing days with her, i made other fantastic friends.

Then again it is good to have someone there that you know cos its not so scary and you'll always have someone to talk about it with..

I dunno i guess its up to the individuals.

I didn't let the silly things my friend did and said ruin my trip - i had the trip of a lifetime and i hope you do too =]

I went on my own which was kinda daunting but turned out great as I was lucky and met a lot of new friends doing tours and staying in hostels.

I'm going to teach abroad by myself, kinda scary when I think about it :/