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ITTO TEFL in Guadalajara.... is it legit?

I am a 22 y/o female with no kids, not married, and a dog.I was born and raised in Connecticut. I currently work a Hilton hotel and a restaurant. I have some college, but no degree. I studied sociology/anthropology and minored in Spanish. I have a bunch of odd training and certifications here and there, such as taking an EMS course, Interior firefighting course, a course on helping battered women via hotlines, and a high school diploma with a focus on plumbing and heating. Odd, yes.

I have family in Puebla, Mexico on both sides (maternal and paternal). I spoke with a cousin who said I should look into living in Mexico, since I've expressed my interest many times. He did tell me to finish my degree, but I currently do not have the funds to pay the semester I need in order to finish. He suggested I work at a hotel due to my english speaking abilities, but insisted I finish the degree. Seeing as I do not currently have degree, I started researching my options to have a decent living in Mexico, where I wouldn't need to depend on someone or marry in order to not be homeless. TEFL kept popping up, I saw a website that offers a certification in 4 weeks. They state that one does not need a degree, but it would be more beneficial. Has anyone done this course? Is it legit? And can I really find a job after?

Before I take the plunge, I was at my local library and found a flyer for literacy volunteers in my area. I'm going to volunteer and see what it is like to teach english as another language. I also bought some grammar books to improve my grammar and I'm reading more books in general to overall improve my skills.

A funny little side note: When I was a child, my mother and father sent me to Mexico to live with my grandmothers. I was no more than 3, Spanish was essentially my first language. Once I returned, I took ESL in elementary where I was not allowed to speak Spanish and ended up losing it (that's why I studied it in college). Ms. Abe was the kindest teacher i've ever known, it would be nice to pay it forward, the gift of learning a language.

TLDR: TEFL in Guadalajara at it legit? Has anyone done it? Yes, i've looked into the online course but online courses are not for me, sadly. Is the certificate recognized internationally?

I need to do more research on work visas for U.S. citizens in Mexico. I've heard I can get a Mexican passport if I have Mexican parents...anyone know about this?

Thank you so much for reading!