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Safest country in Africa for female travellers

Hello everyone,

first post and I am going to be very vague and/or confusing because I haven't really decided what I want to do, yet. Hopefully you can give me some tips and advice.

I am 24 years old, female,  and about to get my bachelor's degree on business economics. Now I want to travel before starting a full time job and probably not being able to travel for more than a few weeks.

I know that I want to go to Africa but I don't know anything about the different countries. Does temperature drop everywhere after sunset drastically? What kind of work could I get? Any experiences as a woman in Africa? I heard that Namibia is very safe.

So basically I would like to know what options I have as a woman if I want to work in Africa without a lot of work experiences. Teaching english or promoting reading would be great, has anyone done that?

Looking forward to reading your stories 🙂