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Should I do the Flixbus?

Hi all,

Could you please let me know about your experiences of Flixbus, and in particular the Interflix pass if anyone has used it. We aren’t really worried about the shortest route because we plan on saving money on hotels by taking overnight buses and sleeping on the bus.

I read some reviews and they were quite bad and kinda put me off but this is much cheaper than Contiki and the other tour bus companies which cost thousands.

I plan to use it for:

London- Amsterdam
Amsterdam- Frankfurt
Frankfurt- Paris
Paris- Toulouse
Toulouse- Barcelona

Please let me know; I plan on being in Europe from late May to mid June.

Also please give any recommendations on what to do/cheap hostels to stay in for the destinations/apps to download while out there (I'm 20 y/o, m, traveling w/ a friend).