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Working and volunteering over 35 years old abroad

So I've finally been able to quench my wanderlust thirst and I'm off to explore the world. Or at least part of it. It's all self funded. So the chance to save a little money here and there sounds great. Unfortunately working visa's in alot of countries or at least the ones I've been looking at are for 'young' people. Apparently adventure is only for the young or retired and wealthy it would seem. Lol. I'm only 36. And i certainly don't feel old. Well that's my moaning out the way. But there any way to make a little money whilst I'm away? Apparently even volunteering and receiving board is classed as payment. And so requires a work visa? How enforced is this really? Seems a bit unfair for giving your time for free. It seems over 35 and it's all on you. Without a chance to give a little longevity to your adventure. Any advice or experience would be appreciated. Planning to travel to SE Asia, Australia, NZ and the Pacific islands. Thanks people X

I went to volunteer at a wildlife sanctuary in Thailand and there was a mix of ages from 18 to 60ish so I wouldn't worry too much about age restrictions.