If maple syrup, mounties and trees are your thing then why not come to Canada? Citizens from Australia, Ireland and New Zealand are eligible for working holiday visas for stays of up to a year and the country is huge so the more time you have, the better. Book a cheap flight to Canada and enjoy your working holiday in the country.
Featured Opportunities

Working Holiday in Canada
• 4-24 months
• Price from £1,195

Au Pair in Canada
• 9-12 months
• Price from £1,195

Internships in Canada
• 3-6 months
• Price from £1,295

Summer Camp Counsellor in Canada
• 4 months
• £795

Winter Hospitality Work in Canada
• 23-28 weeks
• Price from £1,695

Ski / Snowboard Instructor Course + Job
• 4-11 weeks
• Price from £3945
Tips for Moving to Canada
Toronto hotels are of a high quality and there are affordable options out. They are a great choice for pampering yourself a bit on arrivial before you head out on the job and apartment hunt.
To open a bank account in Canada you’ll need at least two pieces of ID with your signatiure or one piece that has your picture on it. Acceptable ID include your Social Insurance (SIN) card, passport with work permit in it, creditcards, and a reference from your bank at home. You will need to provide an address and phone number (a letter from your landlord might help here), your SIN (or proof you have applied for one), and the name, address and phone number of your current emplyer is you are already working.
Social Insurance Number
You will need to get your Social Insurance Number (SIN) before you can start working in Canada. You can’t apply until you get to Canada as you must prove your identity and show your passport with your Working Hoilday Visa inside. Print off the application and submit it to your local Human Resource Development Canada (HRDC) office. It’s best to submit it in person as it is quicker and you won’t have to risk sending your passport through the post (they don’t accept copies).
As if income taxes weren’t bad enough, the Canadian government whacks an extra 7% Goods and Services Tax (GST) onto most things and the provincial goverments have taxes of their own (PST) ranging from an additional 5-12%. The annoying thing is that these taxes aren’t listed on the price tags of most products. So when you’re shopping in Toronto and see that DVD player for $100, you’ll actually have to pay $115 at the till (7% GST plus 8% PST). But fear not because you might be eligible to get some of this back when you leave the country.