How to Avoid Catching Coronavirus (COVID-19) When Travelling

Plane flying

Have you got the urge to go travelling? Perhaps you are looking to take the opportunity to take advantage of some bargain flight deals.

There’s just one major problem to consider. Whether you’re planning a gap year, want to go backpacking, volunteer abroad, or just escape to sunnier climates, you’ll need to take special care when travelling. Because, Covid-19 is also enjoying a successful world tour – of pandemic proportions. And you could be on its hit list!

So here’s your instant top 10 travel-tip check-list, to help you enjoy a happy and healthy trip, while reducing your risk of infection by the Covid-19 virus.

1. If you exhibit possible Covid symptoms close to your departure date, STAY AT HOME! Don’t put others at risk. Should you fall ill while abroad, contact your Embassy, High Commission or Consulate for advice on English speaking doctors and local medical services.

2. Check-out the health status of your destined country – before you depart. You can do this online, via the World Health Organisation website. When arriving, some countries screen passengers for Covid symptoms and quarantine suspected cases.

3. Get vaccinated against the Coronavirus, and make sure you check all the requirements for your destination.

4. Make sure you have comprehensive travel/health insurance, check for exclusions and special clauses. Also if you are thinking about going on a tour, find out your operator’s policy for assisting clients exposed to the Covid virus.

5. Prepare an emergency prevention and medical travel kit, small and light enough to pack into your luggage. If you’re flying,check the current airport security restrictions for items you can carry in hand luggage – particularly liquids. Include adequate supplies of alcohol-wipes, hand-cleaning gel, disposable tissues, basic medical supplies for flu symptoms (ibuprofen, etc.)

6. While en-route, by plane: use anti-bacterial wipes to clean surrounding surfaces (chair-arms, seat-belt, light button, etc.) Avoid touching shared magazines. Take your own pillow and blanket. By train/bus, try to keep windows open for maximum ventilation. (Likewise hotel rooms or apartments.)

7. KEEP WASHING YOUR HANDS, properly and frequently. Ideally use warm, running water and soap. When travelling, this isn’t always an option. So keep a supply of anti-bacterial wipes and hand cleaning gels. Shower often, especially after trips. Change into fresh clothes and discard or wash worn garments. When washing unavailable, refrain from touching eyes, nose and mouth.

8. Drink lots of bottled water, it’s essential you keep your body rehydrated.

9. Stay away from crowded places or close confinement with other people – especially anyone showing flu-like symptoms. Wipe public surfaces before touching (like door handles, counters, washroom-seats, etc.)

10. Avoid covid hotspots – particularly where new strains are emerging. The less you expose yourself to it, the better.

11. After returning from an affected area, closely monitor you health for one to two weeks for flu-like symptoms (sore-throat, cough, runny nose, headache, muscle aches, etc.) Should you show symptoms, get tested, or contact your doctors if you feel really bad, immediately.

All of these tips are recommended by health officials. Although there is no magic formula that can protect you from Covid, by following these recommendations you’ll reduce significantly the chance of infection. Enjoy a fun and relaxing trip, and stay healthy.

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