Top 13 Ways to Relax as a Student

Beach friends

School, college and university can be overwhelming and stressful. So, how can you relax, release some of the tension?

Often the things we think of as relaxing don’t slow us down too much (watching TV, movies, music, games, competitive events, video games). Sometimes you have to think outside the box, or just think in a more basic way.

Here are a few ideas…

1. Take a Walk

Not a difficult hike. No Gu or Powerbars allowed. Just a stroll in the great outdoors. Where you can just slow down and take a gander at all that is nature. Stop and pick a flower.

2. Swimming

Getting a swimming membership is a great way to look after your mental and physical health. Its one of the best forms of exercise and can really help with any tension in your body.

3. Yoga

Some people think yoga is dumb but those people haven’t tried yoga. It is a slow form of exercise which doesn’t stress the body. It works you out through slow stretches and poses. If you like yoga you might also like to try some martial arts if you are looking for something more energetic.

4. Take a Bath

Yeah, just run some hot water in the tub and get in. Don’t take a book or magazine, don’t talk to anyone. Just lay there and close your eyes. Bubbles optional.

5. Meditate

People have been meditating for thousands of years. It requires one thing, sitting. The Buddhists think it is the path to enlightenment. Many other religions such as Hinduism and Christianity use it to reach into themselves and find their faith. But meditation can be an amazing relaxation technique. Just sit, close your eyes or crack them, breathe deeply, and try not to think about anything.

6. Hammock Time

In nice weather this is an awesome relaxation method. All that is needed is a hammock, two trees, and a few hours to nap or stare at the clouds or swaying branches. Cold-uns recommended.

7. Napping

This doesn’t mean fall asleep because you are exhausted in front of the tube. It doesn’t mean going to bed early. It means taking some time after work or on a weekend afternoon and going to your bedroom, drawing the shades, and sleeping. Don’t set the alarm, just wake up whenever your body is ready. Seriously, just forget about that “stuff” you have to do for a few hours.

8. Religious Visit

If you are religious, visit a holy place. Don’t go seeking an answer this time. Don’t go to talk to anyone. Just go and walk around or sit. Be in the presence of something bigger.

9. Massage

Have you ever had a professional massage? Try it, or a day trip to a spa… ahhhhhh. It might be the first time you will have been through anything like this. Stone massages, hot tubs, Swedish massage, aromatherapy, reflexology… they all work.

10. Pet Time

If you have a pet, you know how they can stress you out sometimes. But on the flip side, they can be extremely calming. Just lay on the floor with your pooch or kitty for a while and chill. If you don’t have a pet you could try volunteering with animals, there are usually lots of opportunities possibly near where you live.

11. Gym

A gym membership might seem like an added expense, but some gyms offer discounted rates to students

12. Talking

Feeling stressed about workload or exams? It always helps to talk to someone, whether this be teachers, other students, flatmates or your friends and family.

13. Plan a Trip

Pick a place on your top 10 list of places to go, or just spin the globe and point at a place. Whether just a short break away, a beach holiday, a backpacking adventure or gap year travels, it’s always good to have something to look forward to. Hop online and look for tours or deals.

Grab the calendar and set a date. Get your friends on board. And make a deposit on the trip to commit yourself. Travel is easier than most people think, and it gives you something to be excited about and look forward to.

Obviously everyone has their own way to relax. But trying a new or different way to relax can be a great way to reward yourself or get away from it all. Hopefully our guide has given you some tips.

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