Top 8 Reasons to Visit the Galapagos Islands

Galápagos Islands

You were probably lectured in school about Charles Darwin’s evolutionary studies in the Galapagos Islands. And you probably fell asleep (it’s ok, it happens).

While Darwin was no doubt an awesome guy with a truly fantastic beard, there’s a lot more to this unique archipelago than a bunch of different types of finches.

In reality, the Galapagos Islands are totally badass. They’re like the Jake Gyllenhaal of destinations: effortlessly cool, environmentally-conscious and really good-looking in a boy-next-door sort of way.

Here’s why you should plan a gap year to Ecuador and why the Galapagos Islands are seriously amazing.

1. You get to walk on lava

Woah, woah, not hot lava. We’re not scientists, but we’re pretty sure your body would explode or something. We’re talking hardened lava. The Galapagos Islands are actually volcanic islands, formed from lava flows from a hot spot millions of years ago. Like, what?! Earth is such an unreal place. You’ll feel like a total rock star as you step foot on the islands. Just walking on (hardened) lava like it ain’t no thang.

2. Get a lot of bang for your buck

The Galapagos Islands have gotten a bad rap about being unattainably expensive. Why? Well, some tours are expensive. There’re a limited number of boats and accommodations so, alas, higher prices. That’s supply and demand coming back to bite you. But it’s all so the islands remain protected, guys. Anyway, you can get a taste of the Galapagos for under $1,500. For real. Or you can go all in with the full meal deal because YOGO (You Only Galapagos Once). Either way, there’s so much to see and do, it’ll be money very well spent.

3. Be a responsible traveller (and overall good person)

The Galapagos Islands are protected by the government, so you have to be with a guide while you’re there. You can’t just kayak over from mainland Ecuador with a packed lunch. Doing good while you travel is guaranteed because the entry fee you pay goes directly to conservation efforts. And the 14 rules in place ensure the islands are maintained for our grandkids and their grandkids and so on. So as you spot sunbathing sea lions, you’ll be happy to know they’re left alone from poking, taunting, and selfie-taking (selfies from a distance are fine). Any funny business that may hurt the plants and animals – your guide is on top of it. Yay for being an awesome traveller/human being.

4. Meet some of the oldest animals on Earth

Giant Galapagos tortoises have an average lifespan of over 100 years (usually closer to 150). Just so you can wrap your head around that, they’re literally older than World War I and the invention of cars. YUP. If giant Galapagos tortoises could talk, we’re sure they’d lecture us millennials with a classic, “back in my day….” Find giant tortoises chilling out and defying ageing on Santa Cruz Island.

5. Arrrr — freakin’ pirates, matey!

In the 17th century, pirates once found refuge in the Galapagos Islands. Basically, the Spanish were stealing stuff from the Incas, and then these pirates would steal stuff from them. Like real-life Captain Jack Sparrows (minus the eyeliner). These rag tag group of buccaneers used the islands as a rest stop on their adventures — they even ate Galapagos tortoises for food (insert sad face emoji). Pirates: kinda awful, still forever awesome. If only we still paid for stuff in dubloons. Check out Buccaneer Cove in Santiago Island, where British pirates hung out. No big deal.

6. Spot tons of cool land critters

Sea lions, iguanas, flamingoes, Sally Lightfoot crabs, and Galapagos penguins roam wild in the Galapagos Islands. The islands are their turf – we’re just visitors to the party. These guys just hang out and have a good time. They’re also unafraid of humans, so you’ll sure to see lots of cool creatures. LOTS.

7. Swim with epic marine life

The Galapagos Islands are filled with just as many cool critters underwater as there are above. You can swim with playful sea lions and chilled-out sea turtles. Snorkel with colourful fish, sting rays, and marine iguanas. There’s a wonderland to be explored below the surface. It’ll blow your mind. The Galapagos is also one of the best diving destinations in the world if you fancy giving it a go.

8. See some boobies (and other good-looking chicks)

Sorry, we just had to. In fact, it’s actually male blue-footed boobies with the, err, eye-catching body part. The males strut their (blue) stuff in order to impress the ladies. The bluer, the better. In addition to seeing some blue-footed boobies, there are other fabulous birds to spot. Frigate birds with their red balloon-like sac, pelicans, flamingoes, hawks, herons, and finches. Get into some serious bird-watching there.

There really is only one way to find our for sure, plan a gap year to South America today to experience the Galapagos for yourself.

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