Tips For Getting Hired at Summer Camp Recruitment Fairs!

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Every year directors from North America’s biggest and best camps cross over the pond to join international summer camp companies at their UK Recruitment Fairs and want to hire YOU!

These fairs usually take place early in the year, usually in January and are held in some of the larger cities like London, Birmingham, Cardiff, Belfast and Manchester.

Some of the companies who run these fairs include Camp America, BUNAC, CCUSA, Americamp and Camp Leaders. These companies are some of the largest recruiters of international staff for work and travel programs in the US and help thousands of people find placements every summer.

By attending a recruitment fair you’ll get to learn more about summer camp from alumni and staff who live and breath summer camp, and who can help with any questions you might have. You’ll also get to talk to camp directors and potentially get your summer plans sorted!

If you haven’t already applied, search our summer camp jobs page now!

Recommendation for Getting Placed at Job Fairs

Here are our top tips to impress the camp directors and get placed:

• Research what camps are attending in-advance and check online which ones appeal to you
• Arrive early, this is when most positions will be available, more people get hired as the day goes on
• Go straight to the camp stall you want to work for
• If you are unsure which camp you want to work at, walk around, don’t rush and also speak to staff to get their advice
• Be friendly, kind and approachable – first impressions are everything
• Demonstrate how enthusiastic you are
• Dress smart but casual, this isn’t a 9-5 office job remember
• Ask as many questions as possible

Past Participant Experience & Advice

Katie got hired as a horse riding instructor at a summer camp in Connecticut by joining BUNAC at one of their Summer Camp Recruitment fairs.

Find out more about how she got on, on the day.

Why Did You Attend The Camp Fair?
I had been thinking about applying for summer jobs abroad for a while and the fair just seemed like a really great opportunity to find out more about the programme and meet some real life American camp directors face to face as well!

What Was The Day Like?
It was really informative and well-organised and it was great to meet other people who were as excited about applying for summer camp as I was. Everybody was encouraging each other and the atmosphere was buzzing!

How Did You Impress The Summer Camps?
I had good horse-riding skills (which is a very popular activity at camp) and some experience of working with children before, but I was also very enthusiastic and made sure I put a lot of effort into writing my application form.

What Did You Enjoy Most About The Day?
It was great to meet lots of other people in the same boat as me and I also really liked hearing about the different camps from the camp directors themselves. It really brought the dream to life a bit more. I also got to ask questions about what to expect, working routine and also post camp travel opportunities.

Did You Get Hired On The Day?
I did indeed! I was hired by YMCA Camp Mohawk in Connecticut as a counsellor and horse-riding instructor and I loved it so much that I went back another 5 times after that and eventually ended up as the Riding Director. Going to the camp fair was the best decision I ever made!!

Hopefully our useful tips for attending the summer camp recruitment fairs has given you advice for how to maximise your experience and get hired. This really is one of the best summer travel opportunities for students, but if you are still research options there are lots of alternative things to do, browse our list of the best gap year jobs for alternatives.

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