How to Make Your Student Accommodation & Lifestyle More Eco-friendly

Students friends

The good thing about helping the environment is that it doesn’t have to be expensive, there is plenty that you can do as a student, that is easy to do, helps the environment, and can even save you money.

Here are some really useful sustainability tips for students on how to make your accommodation and lifestyle more environmentally friendly.

1. Saving Energy

As explained by Glide, student utility and communications billing managers, “Whether you want to save the pennies or to be the generation to tackle climate change, saving energy doesn’t have to be difficult or cost you a lot of money.”

There are plenty of ways that you can save energy in your home, reducing your bills and helping you to do your bit for the environment – without costing you any extra.

Some ideas include:

· Using energy-efficient lightbulbs- they can use up to 80% less energy than conventional ones

· Turning your thermostat down 1° and instead, putting on more clothes when you are cold

· Washing your clothes at a temperature of 30° and on the economy wash

· Keeping the curtains drawn as soon as it gets cold outside

· Leaving the curtains open as long as possible when it is light outside – using natural light not only saves you money, it is also good for you!

· Only heating up the amount of water that you are going to use in a kettle

· Turning the lights off when you leave the room and appliances at the wall when you aren’t using them

· Trying to avoid using tumble driers when you can

· Turning your heating off or down when you and your housemates are away

· Only heating the rooms that you are in – use communal areas instead of everyone staying in their separate rooms

2. Reduce your Water Use

Water is becoming an increasingly scarce resource to the planet, so it is important that we try to use as little as possible. Some ways that you can do this include:

· Using low-flow showerheads

· Turning the tap off whilst you are cleaning your teeth

· Avoiding the use of sprinklers and hoses

· Trying to take shorter showers instead of baths

· Only using dishwashers when they are completely full

3. Packaging and Recycling

We have all seen the horrific pictures of the excess amount of waste that humanity is creating, especially with plastic. It is therefore important that we try to cut down on our single-use plastics as well as recycle as many waste products as possible.

The refuse collectors will collect waste to be recycled according to their collection plant. Recycling is easy to do – usually by putting it into a different box to the landfill waste, so try to make your amount of recycling waste more than your landfill.

There is plenty that you can do to try to cut down on the amount of waste that you are creating, including:

· If you have a garden, composting your food waste

· Buying in bulk instead of individual items

· Avoiding the use of single-use wipes and cloths

· Taking your own bags to the supermarket or other shops

· Using refills wherever possible

· Reducing the number of clothes that you buy and taking old clothes to a charity shop or recycling bank

4. What Else Can You Do?

In addition to these changes that you can make in your home, there is plenty more that you can also consider doing, including:

· Eating less meat – you don’t need to go vegan, but cutting down on the amount of meat that you eat is not only healthy for you, but substituting meat for vegetables uses less of the planet’s resources, as well as takes up less energy to cook.

· Investing in a refillable water bottle. This will not only save you money in the long run, you will reduce your plastic waste and help to ensure that you have water with you at all times.

· Try to use public transport, ride a bike, or walk as much as you can to reduce air pollution and make you healthier.

· Use rechargeable batteries.

· If you have any spare time, consider doing some voluntary work somewhere worthwhile, that supports caring for the planet.

Looking after the planet and doing what we can to reverse climate change is something that everyone needs to be involved in, not only governments and businesses. And by saving the environment you can also save money for yourself!

If you enjoyed reading this article you might like to view our guide how to save £1000 per month.

Our range of volunteering programs abroad also might appeal to you if you are planning a gap year or meaningful time out. There are so many options from volunteer jobs with animals to marine conservation programs.

By Ruby Clarkson

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